Rainbows, Glass Houses and the Elephant in the room Inside

4 07 2015

This has been an epic couple of months in the land of being politically correct, opinionated, educated, historical and frankly hysterical.

The media is feeding me mass quantities of fuel for blogging…as has social media. 

My opinions are all over the place, so I guess I can’t be labeled.  Sorry folks.  I know how important labels are. 

Recently I used the word “bigotry” when referring to those against marriage equality.  I was quickly corrected by someone who provided me the definition of bigot.  I’ll share it here for you; a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.  Basically, this guy was saying I’m as much of a bigot for disliking his anti-marriage equality feelings as he was for disliking my pro-marriage equality feeling.  To that I say, touche‘.  We’re all bigots.  Good times.

The Bible states several times in several ways that sex before marriage is a sin.  I’m not going to waste my time postingimages verses.  You should look them up before you preach at anyone just so you’re clear on wether or not you’re being a hypocrite before you start using the bible as your excuse to defend your opinion against homosexuality.  Sure, there’s some verses against homosexual behavior in the bible as well but please keep in mind the bible also looks at these sins…and all sins…as equal. 

The bible has verses against quite a few things that don’t involve sex also such as tattoos, disrespecting your neighbors, serving two masters, and basically several things that common people do on a daily basis.  Let me break this down for you; even your tattoo of Jesus is a sin in the black and white print, as is that moment you curse out the guy who cut you off in traffic or your addiction to social media and lack of using that time to pray.

What I always look to first and foremost when thinking of marriage equality and those who use the bible to fight it is the fact that divorce is legal and has been for centuries.  I tried to find an exact date.  The first time it’s cited in history is in the mid 1600’s but with lots of rules as to wether or not it would be allowed.  Up until the 1920’s the rules and regulations continued to become less and less on when and how a married couple could divorce.  Many marriage equality opposers are on their second (or more) marriage.  Many churches don’t recognize any marriage after your first…unless you make a large donation to their organization.  Then you get a fresh start.  How pleasant.  Some sinners are offered second chances while others are not.  Oh wait…that’s not how it works at all!

According to the New Testament, Jesus died to wash away your sins.  That means everyone.  That means homosexuals too.  That’s how it works.  If you don’t believe that, you’re not really a Christian and you shouldn’t be using (abusing) the bible as your reasoning. 

From the book of Matthew Chapter 7 Verse 3: “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?” And for those of you who aren’t into actually reading the bible but just use it as a crutch here’s an old proverb I’m sure you’ve heard before that basically makes the same point; “Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.”

I feel that marriage is a legal contract with both good and bad portions included in the contract.  Contracts do not define feelings, they just define rights (or lack thereof).  All of these years that same sex couples could not legally share in this contract did not prevent them from loving each other or having sex just like average straight couples have done.  This contract now provides two people that love each other rights to each other’s property and  health care they didn’t have before.

Think of a couple that’s been together for decades but not married.  One partner falls ill and can no longer handle his/her personal business.  This person’s partner who knows and loves this person and knows their desires best has previously not had any legal rights to aid in such situations and it has been a painful battle for these people.  Or, a couple like this parts ways and there is no legal assistance for the separation of property like there is for those who actually legally divorce after being legally married for years.  In short, it’s simply not fair.  These people deserve the right to choose to be legally bound or not. 

Preventing the legalities didn’t keep these people from the sin of sex before marriage (regardless of how they go about copulation), it only prevented their legal rights to each other and shared property. 

As a side note, I just don’t think God keeps a score board on 1 point for sex before marriage but if it’s sodomy that’s another point so homosexuals are scoring 2 sins to heterosexuals’ 1.  I’m sorry, I just don’t think that’s how it works.

But, who am I to judge? And…who are you to judge?

From the book of James Chapter 4 verses 11-12: “Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?”6a00d8341c730253ef0167667335c7970b-800wi

So, to address “the elephant in the room” (that’s an old English idiom for an obvious truth that is being ignored), unless you are completely without sin your argument against marriage equality is invalid. 

You cannot prevent love, and now you can not prevent the legal protection that any (type of) couple has available to them and I think that’s great. 

Let’s face it, marriage is a contract and love is what matters.  Fairy tales aren’t real and neither are unicorns. And, unless you are completely without sin (and you’ve got a lot of reading to do to figure out that you’re highly likely not) you need to get on that elephant we can all see in your living room through your glass house and ride off into the sunset. There’s 783,137 words in the bible…get busy!

As for me, I’ve posted 3 topical posts in a row…and those who know me well know that’s not really my preference but now that I’ve gotten all this off my chest I promise you one of my fun blogs soon. Until then, I’m celebrating love and I wish nothing but love for everyone reading this … even the bigots!




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